Sunday, June 17, 2012

End of week two

Thursday of week two 

The day started by going to the CDU office in Berlin. CDU is a political party in Germany. It was a very interesting building.  It was built in 2000.  The party has pictures of important events for the party in the lobby. One is of Kennedy just before he was assassinated. It was interesting to see and learn about the political parties of Germany. I liked that we got to see the conference room where they hold meeting to discuss issues and make decisions for the party.

Then was the Bauhaus Archives and Museum designed by Gropius. I was interesting to see the building and the exhibit. It was cool to see what could be done with different medium and how that can be used to make beautiful art. The Bauhaus was not exactly my forte but it was still cool to see and learn about something outside what you would normal look at.

We then passed the Mexican Embassy on our way to the Nordic Embassies. I was cool and hard to describe by I liked the way it looked. The Nordic Embassies are surrounded by a skin. This is the only place where all the Nordic Embassies are together. Each is place where it would be on a map with ponds representing the bodies of water that are between them. We got to look into two of the embassies. We had lunch in there café, and it was good.

After that was the Rauchstrasse City Mansions. It was interesting to see how different each building looked.  At the entrance was a creep sculpture. The master plan was done by Krier. You notice the buildings more because they are surrounded by more muted and normal looking buildings. It was also, where I saw a Harley Davison bike, which was cool. 

The Saudi Embassy is where we went next. It was interesting but we could only see it from a distance. It was interesting to see how each embassy created its own look. Then was the Landesvertretung North Rhine building that was built in 2002. It had an interesting sculpture in the lobby of the building. We then went to the Bundeswehr Memorial. Sadly, we could only look at it from a distance because it was closed. So we had to head over to the Memorial to German Resistance and Museum. It was a cool museum and had some very interesting information but a lot was in German. This is where we ended for the day and the week. Overall, it was a good day and week.  

Friday of week two

I went to the Zoo with Lauren. It was fun we got to see may different animals. I got a small stuffed red panda.  They had giraffes and lamas too when you first enter the Zoo. It was also laid out different from most zoos I have seen. The animals were kept in by moats not big tall walls or cages. We got to hear lions roar and a gorilla throw rocks at people. It was a very relaxing day before we left to go on the excursion.  

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